It is November - just a few days before Thanksgiving (our most popular national holiday) and the weather is balmy as I begin to stroll.
This is a great time of year to .visit New York (Warning!! For those of you who have recently moved away from NYC, this blog entry my be difficult to watch!)
A PediCab will suit you better.
If you need a rest, his is a good place.
This Hot Dog Stand is just one of the zillions of types of food stands that dot the streets of NYC. If you are hungry the aromas are hard to resist. Some people with more refined food tastes don't like the smells - but I am not one of them.

These Columbus Circle Skyscrapers have apartments that cost millions of dollars. They average 70 - 80 stories and have s-p-e-c-t-a-c-u-l-a-r views of Central Park.
This Columbus Circle vendor is out-to-lunch, but it seems that he is not worried about his merchandise.
In a rush? Time Short? There are several Sight Seeing Bus companies to choose from. You can Hop-on Hop-Off and catch it all.

The Subway Station at Columbus Circle is a hub that connects Uptown and Downtown - East Side and West Side. A very strategic area to choose a hotel. Visitors can now rent bicycles (like in Amsterdam), but it is not for the faint of heart.
At Columbus Circle the Museum of Art and Design has a snazzy BMW in the display window that is decorated with Native American motifs. They have the most fabulous gift shop, too. Get there before Christmas!!!
Take a look at NYC - Grand Central Station the day before Thanksgiving.
If you get the notion to visit NYC. Write to me and I'll be sure to meet you and show you around a bit.
See you soon!
See you soon!
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